This video will show you how to find and own your next home easier by following an organized plan. You will learn the process of: Preparing to buy, Meeting with an agent, Establishing your price range and financing, Determining your housing requirements, House hunting, Completing the purchase agreement, Negotiating the purchase and Closing the sale. Helpful documents to assist your through the process: Buyer Checklist, Home Buying Process, Financing Overview, and Lender Questionnaire.
Buying a home is fun and exciting, yet can be an overwhelming process. This video covers some of the typical financing options that homebuyers consider when talking to a lender. Helpful document: Financing Options
This video will provide you with specific, measurable criteria for evaluating the capabilities of a real estate agent. You will learn how to evaluate their ability to handle the following: Marketing management, Exposure to agents, Exposure to public, Securing prospects, Demonstrating the home, Securing an agreement to Purchase, and Closing the transaction. Here is a helpful document: Seller Checklist.